Many people who suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder find that treatment options may not be working as well as they hoped. Emotional Freedom Technique, or tapping, is an alternative treatment that can be used to help those with OCD and lead to a healthier, stress-free life. Similar to acupuncture, EFT is based on the idea that our bodies have a meridian system that creates an energy flow throughout our body and to our organs. When there is a blockage or stagnation in this flow, illness can arise. Unlike acupuncture, tapping can easily be learned and can be a self-treatment without the needles.
How can EFT help OCD?
EFT works to correct the root cause of the problem, and in the case of OCD that is the compulsive thoughts that precede the compulsive action. Habits are extremely hard to break for those suffering with OCD, EFT works to change the mindset and energy before the behavior begins. This safe and completely harmless treatment focuses on the meridian system of the body and tapping each of the 12 meridian points 5-7 times. At the same time, it is important to focus on accepting and letting go of negative emotions that are causing compulsive behaviors. By doing so, you are calming the mind and returning the body back to a healthy balance.
Studies done at accredited institutions such as Harvard Medical School have found the effectiveness of EFT tapping. One study found that when these meridian points are stimulated, the body’s stress and fear responses are lowered. Dr. Dawson Church has spent many years studying tapping and has found that war veterans who received tapping treatment had a 63 percent decrease in PTSD symptoms.
OCD is not something that is easily curable, but there are treatment options such as EFT tapping that have proven to be helpful with no side effects. Ask me about how tapping can be incorporated into your treatment program and get you back on the road to better health!