Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
You can make a powerful, all-natural detoxifying beverage by mixing together one tablespoon of unfiltered apple cider vinegar (with the ‘Mother’), one tablespoon of honey, and 12 ounces of water. The vinegar works to stabilize your body’s internal pH level, while the honey works to regulate your blood sugar levels. When combined together, it offers a superb cleansing and detoxifying beverage that’s perfect for the spring season. Even the Greek philosopher Socrates prescribed apple cider vinegar to his patients.
Take Care of Your Eyes
Did you know that your eyes are connected to every organ in your body in some manner? With that said, the liver has the strongest connection to the eyes. When your eye health begins to decline, so does your liver. Take care of your eyes by limiting your time in front of electronic displays (e.g. computer monitors, television and tablets) and have an eye exam performed by a licensed optometrist at least once every two years.
Consuming chlorophyll – the pigment responsible for giving all green plants their color – will strengthen your liver. Chlorophyll is known to exhibit antioxidant properties, fighting harmful chemicals within the body known as free radicals. And according to a study conducted by the Linus Pauling Institute, both chlorophyll and chlorophyllin may bind with certain carcinogens like cigarette smoke. This doesn’t necessarily man that a chlorophyll-rich diet will protect you from cancer, but it’s just one more reason why you should include it in your diet.
Some excellent sources of chlorophyll include spinach, parsley, garden cress, green beans, green peppers, Brussels sprouts, green peas, asparagus, broccoli, zucchini, cucumbers, green apples, melon, honeydew and kiwi.
Get Outdoors
The blooming plant life and warming temperatures offers the perfect opportunity to get outdoors and exercise. Exercise and fresh outdoor air stimulate the body’s energy (Qi), keeping it moving and flowing throughout the body. When Qi becomes stagnant, it increases the risk of disease and illness. Something as simple as a 30-minute jog around the neighborhood can make a world of difference in your health.
Seek Acupuncture
We can’t talk about ways to cleanse the body this spring without mentioning acupuncture. From relieving seasonal allergies to reducing pain and inflammation, the benefits of this Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are endless.
Give me a call today to learn how you can get back on track to better health!